Published: 2012-08-31
Pengujian sifat unggul beberapa klon harapan kopi arabika di kebun percobaan Andungsari, Jawa Timur (Testing for superior traits of some arabica coffee promising clones at Andungsari research station, East Java)
Page: 62-71

Keberhasilan sambungan pada beberapa jenis batang atas dan famili batang bawah kakao (Theobroma cocoa L.). (Grafting performance of some scion clones and root-stock family on cocoa (Theobroma cocoa L.)
Page: 72-81

Pengaruh penambahan auxin terhadap pertunasan dan perakaran kopi arabika perbanyakan Somatic Embryogenesis (The effects of shooting and rooting of arabica coffee propagation through Embryogenesis Somatic auxin uses).
Page: 82-90

Pengaruh pemberian abu sekam padi sebagai bahan desikan pada penyimpanan benih terhadap daya tumbuh dan pertumbuhan bibit kakao (The effects of rice husk ash as desiccation material of seed storage on viability and cocoa seedling growth).
Page: 90-99

Keefektifan insektisida cyantraniliprole terhadap hama penggerek buah kopi ( Hypothenemus hampei) pada ko pi arabika ( Effectiveness cyantraniliprole against coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei)on arabica coffee.
Page: 100-110

Analysis of luwak coffee volatile by using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography (Analisa senyawa volatil kopi luwak dengan menggunakan mikroekstrasi fase padat dan kromatolgi gas).
Page: 111-118