Published: 2015-12-31
Relationship between Physiological Characteristic and Bean Quality on Some Cocoa Clones (Theobroma cacao L.)
Page: 143-151

Yield Performance of Locally Selected Cocoa Clones in North Luwu
Page: 152-162

Top Grafting Performance of Some Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Clones as Affected by Scion Budwood Number
Page: 163-174

Effectiveness of Endophytic Bacterial Consortium of Coffee Plant on Mortality of Pratylenchus Coffeae in Vitro
Page: 175-185

Existence of entomopathogen fungi, Beauveria bassiana as an endophyte in cacao seedlings
Page: 186-195

Runoff Water in Cocoa Plantation as Affected by Rorak Number and Mulch Type
Page: 196-207

Identification and Mapping of Readiness of Micro and Small Coffee Industry Cluster Development
Page: 208-222