Published: 2015-06-11
Pod Characteristics of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Related to Cocoa Pod Borer Resistance (Conopomorpha cramerella Snell.)
Page: 1-13
DOI : View: 557, PDF Download: 467
Study on the presence and influence of phenolic compounds in callogenesis and somatic embryo development of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.).
Page: 14-20
DOI : View: 539, PDF Download: 633
Solar Energy Efficiency of Cocoa Clones which Cultivated under Three Species of Shade Trees
Page: 21-29
DOI : View: 455, PDF Download: 674
Population of Pratylenchus coffeae (Z.) and growth of Arabica coffee seedling inoculated by Pseudomonas diminuta L. and Bacillus subtilis (C.).
Page: 30-40
DOI : View: 368, PDF Download: 904
Application of lime and urea and its effect on development of Phythophthora palmivora.
Page: 41-48
DOI : View: 261, PDF Download: 427
Development of Cardamom (Amomum cardamomum) Herbal Coffee Beverages: A study of physicochemical characteristic and consumer perception towards sensory properties
Page: 49-58
DOI : View: 363, PDF Download: 697
Effect of Service Quality on Coffee Based Economic Cluster Development on Farmers and other Stakeholders Satisfaction in Bondowoso District
Page: 59-72
DOI : View: 396, PDF Download: 503