PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 38, Number 2, August 2022 Edition
Anita-Sari et al.
Pelita Perkebunan 38(2) 2022, 120
Flush Characteristics of Several Cocoa Genotypes Different
in Resistance to Vascular Streak Dieback
Indah Anita-Sari
, Bayu Setyawan
, Agung Wahyu Susilo
Nurhadini Fitri Isnaini
Samsul Paputpungan
, Febrilia Nur’aini
, and Nur Solecha Ruseani
Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute, Jl. PB. Sudirman No. 90, Jember, Indonesia
Bandung Institute of Technology, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Jl. Ganesa No. 10, Bandung, Indonesia
Gorontalo State University, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6, Kota Tengah Gorontalo, Indonesia
Ghent University, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Received: 11 January 2022 / Accepted: 19 May 2022
Vascular streak dieback (VSD) is one of the main diseases on cocoa that can
cause a decrease in production and even death on susceptible plants. The use of
selection criteria is very important in the selection process at the seedling phase,
young plants and even mature plants in order to support the breeding process
of resistant varieties. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics
of flush including flush color, stomata characters and duration of flush color
change to green or towards mature leaves as one of the selection indicators for
VSD resistance in cocoa. The research was conducted at Kaliwining Experimental
Station, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute, Jember, Indonesia. Study
of flush color and stomata characters was conducted using a randomized complete
block design consisting of four cocoa genotypes with different levels of resistance,
classified as resistant to VSD disease (Sulawesi 1, PNT 16) and as susceptible
(BCL and BL 50). Each clone was repeated three times and each replication consisted
of three plant samples. Duration of flush color change study was carried out on
six cocoa genotypes as treatments, three genotypes with resistant to VSD (PNT 16,
Scavina 12, Sulawesi 1) and three genotypes as susceptible to VSD (BL 50, BCL,
Criollo 22). Each treatment was repeated three times and each replication consisted
of three plant samples. The results showed that the resistant genotypes showed a
tendency to have lower chlorophyll and anthocyanin content than the susceptible
ones. The stomata character in the resistant genotypes was not different than the
susceptible ones, however, the resistant genotype showed that the stomata density
at flush tended to be lower. The duration of flush color change to mature leaves
(green) in resistant genotypes was significantly faster than susceptible genotypes.
Keywords: duration of flush color change, flush color, stomata characters, Theobroma
cacao L., vascular streak dieback
ISSN: 0215-0212 / e-ISSN: 2406-9574
DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v38i2.518
PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 38, Number 2, August 2022 Edition
Flush characteristics of several cocoa genotypes different in resistant to vascular streak dieback
In Indonesia, vascular streak dieback
(VSD) disease is one of the factors that
causes decreasing of cocoa production. This
disease attacks the xylem of flush tissues
and will show symptoms after three months
of infection. VSD disease not only causes
a decrease in plant productivity, but also
causes death of susceptible plants. Utiliza-
tion of resistant genotypes is the main strategy
in controlling VSD disease effectively and
efficiently (Susilo & Anita-Sari, 2011). The
breeding of planting material which resis-
tant to VSD is carried out through explo-
ration, selection and crossing activities. An
effort to support these plant breeding activi-
ties, it is necessary to have selection criteria
for early detection of the nature of plant
resistance to VSD disease. The use of selec-
tion criteria will be very useful in the selec-
tion process for either the seedling phase,
young plants or even mature plants.
The mechanism of VSD infection through
flush takes time since the fungus begins to
infect until the onset of disease symptoms.
The period of flush color changes to green
or mature leaves maybe related to the nature
of plant resistance in response to this disease.
Leaf flushing in cocoa is controlled both
endogenously and environmentally. If envi-
ronmental stresses are not apparent, it is mainly
under endogenous control (Lahive et al.,
2019). The results of previous studies showed
that leaf stomata character could be used
as a selection indicator for VSD resistance
(Anita-Sari & Susilo, 2014). Stomata is one
of the selection criteria that can be used to
detect the resistance of cocoa plants to VSD
disease (Susilo et al., 2016).
The parasitism relationship between the
host and the pathogen is expressed in terms of
resistance and susceptibility. Plant resistance
reactions can occur before infection (pre
infection) and after infection (post infection)
in form of chemical content or tissue structure
owned by plants to inhibit pathogen repro-
duction (Collingborn et al., 2000; Hulupi,
2008). The internal anatomy and surface
features of the leaves often determine plant
resistance to biotrophic pathogen infection
(Pudjiwati et al., 2013), such as stomata and
trichome may influence disease resistance
(Niks & Rubiales, 2002).
Indications of differences in color character
and duration of color change from flush to
mature marked by a change in color to green
maybe related to resistance to VSD disease
considering that VSD only enters plants
through flush tissue. This study was conducted
to examine the characteristics of flush in-
cluding stomata character, flush color and
duration of flush color change to green or
towards mature leaves on some cocoa geno-
types with different level in VSD resistance.
Flush Color and Stomata Characteristics
The research was conducted at Kaliwining
Experimental Station, Indonesian Coffee and
Cocoa Research Institute, Jember, Indonesia.
The study used a randomized complete block
design (RCBD) consisting of four cocoa geno-
types with different levels of resistance, classi-
fied as resistant to VSD disease (Sulawesi 1,
PNT 16) and susceptible to VSD (BCL and
BL 50). Each clone was replicated three times
and each replication consisted of three plant
samples. Observation parameters include
flush color and stomatal characters. Color
analysis was carried out by measuring the
content of chlorophyll and anthocyanins
in the flush. The analysis of chlorophyll
and anthocyanins was carried out at Jember
Polytechnic using a destructive method
referring to Sims & Gamon (2002) and Porra
(2002). Stomata analysis was carried out using
PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 38, Number 2, August 2022 Edition
Anita-Sari et al.
the replica method referring to Anita-Sari
& Susilo (2013) using transparent nail polish
and stomata removal was carried out on the
lower leaves. The stomata samples were then
observed using a microscope and observed
for number of stomata, width of stomata
opening and density of the stomata. The leaf
samples used were flushes which still red
color with the size 10-15 cm.
Flush Color Change Duration
This study was also conducted at Kaliwining
Experimental Station, Indonesian Coffee and
Cocoa Research Institute. The study used a
completely randomized block design consisting
of six cocoa genotypes as treatment, three
genotypes as resistant genotypes (PNT 16,
Scavina 12, Sulawesi 1) and three suscep-
tible genotypes (BL 50, BCL, Criollo 22). Each
treatment was repeated three times and each
replication consisted of three sample plants.
The duration of flush changes was observed
by marking the newly emerged flush with
a size of 7-10 cm and exposed to direct sun-
light. Observations were made by calculating
the time required for the flush to turn green.
Data Analysis
Data were analyzed using one-way
ANOVA via STAR 2.0.1 (IRRI) and Duncans
test was further carried out when a significant
difference was found. The histogram was
illustrated using Graphpad program. Principal
component analysis (PCA) was performed with
a dendogram through R program.
Characteristics of Flush Color and Stomata
The result showed that there were dif-
ferences of anthocyanin and chlorophyll content
in flush between resistant and susceptible cocoa
clones (Figure 1). Sulawesi 1 and PNT 16
which were resistant to VSD showed lower
chlorophyll and anthocyanin content than
susceptible clones (BCL and BL 50). This
result is different from the opinion of Tellez
et al. (2016) that anthocyanins content in
tropical crops protect young leaves from
damage caused by fungal attacks during leaf
development into mature leaves. Plants will
protect themselves from fungal attacks through
the production of phenolic compounds such
as flavonoids that function as anti-fungal
(Queenborough et al., 2013; Cheng et al.,
2018). However, a comprehensive review
on the adaptive function of anthocyanins
concludes that the evidence for a defensive
function against herbivores and pathogens
is not very strong (Schaefer et al., 2008).
The tendency for the high content of
anthocyanins and chlorophyll in the flush of
susceptible clones is related to the inhibition
of chlorophyll in the photosynthesis process
so that it interferes with plant biosynthesis.
Chlorophyll plays a significant role in plant
development (Li et al., 2018), the accumu-
lation of anthocyanins and chlorophyll is
related to the regulation of plant development
(Dai et al., 2016). The purple color component,
anthocyanins, and their combination with
chlorophyll can cause an adjustment of the
ratio of the photosynthetic system and improve
electron transport performance. Anthocyanins
can cover chlorophyll more deeply and inhibit
the photosynthesis process (Cooney et al.,
2015; Li & Martin, 2015).
Leaf color is generally used as a morpho-
logical marker in plant breeding programs
because this character is an inherited character
and can be used in important approaches to
plant breeding programs (Cheng et al., 2018).
The results showed that the anthocyanin content
had a high heritability value and the inheritance
was controlled by two major genes in additive-
dominant-epistatic interaction and polygenes.
The major genes controlling leaf and stem
PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 38, Number 2, August 2022 Edition
Flush characteristics of several cocoa genotypes different in resistant to vascular streak dieback
anthocyanin content exhibited high herita-
bility in F2 generation (Jin et al., 2018).
Variations in leaf color patterns are also
important and necessary in the assessment
of plant resistance (Plastino et al., 2006;
Palmer & Mascia, 1980; Zhao et al., 2016).
The results of PCA analysis showed that
there was a clear grouping between resistant
and susceptible clones based on chlorophyll
and anthocyanin content where BL 50 indi-
cated one group with BCL and PNT 16 indi-
cated one group with Sulawesi 1 (Figure 2).
These results indicate that there are different
patterns of anthocyanin and chlorophyll
content in susceptible and resistant cocoa
clones to VSD. Adaptation of plants to the
environment can be induced by the propor-
tion of colors that affect plant development,
limiting the size of biological functions, espe-
cially the photosynthetic system (Kerchev
et al., 2011) and the antioxidant system (Zhang
et al., 2013), so that they are associated and
related to plant resistance, whereas suscep-
tibility is related to plant defense.
The characteristics of stomata in the flush
did not show any difference between resistant
and susceptible clones including its length,
diameter, opening width and stomatal density
(Table 1). The results of the analysis showed
that there was no significant difference in
stomatal flush density between resistant and
susceptible genotypes, but resistant geno-
types tended to have lower stomatal density
than susceptible genotypes. The research
results by Susilo et al. (2016) indicated that
there was a correlation of stomata charac-
teristics on young leaves and VSD disease
resistance. The number of stomata and the
width of stomata openings on old leaves
showed a significant correlation to VSD
disease resistance in cocoa. It showed that
there were differences of stomata charac-
teristics on different leaves age.
The low level of stomata density at flush
provides a smaller opportunity for spores to
enter the plant tissue. The higher the stomata
density, the plants tend to be more susceptible
to disease (Bozoglu & Karayel, 2006). A large
number of stomata will increase the transpira-
Figure 1. Anthocyanin and chlorophyll content in flush of some cocoa genotypes with different
resistance levels
Sulawesi 1
PNT 16
BL 50
Sulawesi 1
PNT 16
BL 50
PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 38, Number 2, August 2022 Edition
Anita-Sari et al.
tion process and also affect the capture of CO
from the air, so that the chance of entering
spores together with the air will be higher.
The incubation period is the time from inocu-
lation to the appearance of symptoms. Stomata
density has been used as a selection indicator
in breeding disease resistance in cocoa (Anita-
Sari, 2004; Susilo et al., 2016).
Flush Color Change Duration
The results of the analysis showed that
there was a difference in the duration of the
flush color change to green in the cocoa geno-
types tested. Criollo 22, BCL, and BL 50 clones
required a longer duration and were signifi-
cantly different than Sulawesi 1, Sca 12, and
PNT 16 (Table 2).
The resistant clone group showed a rela-
tively faster duration of flush change compared
to the susceptible clones (Table 2). The
duration of time used to change the flush
color to green in resistant clones ranged from
7-8 days, while for susceptible clones it was
more than 10 days. The short period of time
for flush discoloration indicates the least
opportunity for spores to enter plant tissues.
The length of time required for flush color
change in susceptible plants provides a greater
opportunity for spores to infect the flush so
that the fungus can enter plant tissues.
Disease resistance is related to the behavior
of the disease in infecting plants. In Brassica
plants, high resistance to downy mildew occurs
when the leaves are young compared to old
Figure 2. PCA biplot on anthocyanin and chlorophyll content of four cocoa genotypes
Prin 2
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Prin 1
Table 1. Characteristics of stomata of flush in several cocoa clones
Clone Width of stomata (m) Diameter of stomata (m) Stomata apperture width (m) Stomata density m
Sulawesi 1 14.5 a 5.23 a 1.15 a 242 a
PNT 16 14.5 a 4.96 a 1.06 a 317 a
BCL 14.4 a 5.33 a 1.09 a 430 a
BL50 14.3 a 4.99 a 1.06 a 386 a
PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 38, Number 2, August 2022 Edition
Flush characteristics of several cocoa genotypes different in resistant to vascular streak dieback
leaves. Susceptibility will stop when the leaves
are old because these conditions no longer
support the growth of the pathogen (Coelho
& Monteiro, 2003). Likewise, other plants
including broccoli, show high susceptibility
to older leaves because leaves that are already
chlorotic are difficult for pathogens to grow
and pathogens can no longer sporulate (Agnola
et al., 2003).
In contrast, Kus et al. (2002) found that
older plants or leaves showed increased
resistance and decreased susceptibility to
pathogens, this form of resistance is often
referred to as age-related resistance (ARR).
This result is similar to that of the resistance
of cocoa plants to VSD, the faster the leaves
turn green (mature) the plants are more
resistant than those with a longer duration
of change. The actual mechanism of ARR
occurs in only a few cases, where the ARR
response is thought to be controlled by a single
resistance gene expressed in mature plants
(Roelfs, 1984). There is a positive correlation
between increased leaf/plant age and glycoline
production (Lazarovits et al., 1980).
The results of cluster analysis based on
flush color duration and VSD scores showed
that there were two groups, namely group I
with longer duration category and high VSD
level, namely Criollo 22, BL 50 and BCL and
group II with fast duration category with low
VSD level, namely Sulawesi 1, Sca 12, and
PNT 16.
The content of anthocyanins, chlorophyll
and duration of flush color change to mature
can be used as indicators of selection for
Table 2. Analysis of the variance of flush color change duration on several cocoa genotypes
Genotype Duration of flush color change (days) VSD resistance
Criollo 22 14.00 a Susceptible
BCL 10.62 b Susceptible
BL 50 10.11 b Susceptible
Sulawesi 1 8.33 cd Resistant
PNT 16 7.12 d Resistant
Sca 12 7.00 d Resistant
Figure 1. Cluster analysis based on duration of flush color change in some cocoa genotypes
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Average distance between cluster
PNT 16
Sul 1
Sca 12
BL 50
PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 38, Number 2, August 2022 Edition
Anita-Sari et al.
resistance to vascular streak dieback disease
in cocoa. Resistant genotypes tend to have
lower chlorophyll content, flush anthocya-
nins and stomatal density with the duration
of flush color change to mature leaves faster
than susceptible genotypes.
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